
Elements of Japanese Garden Design

We have mention a lot about the Japanese landcaping garden, the characteristic and the style, then we will talk more about the elements of Japanese Garden design.
    Rock. Most Japanese garden are usually used the rocks to form the foundation, such as the Stones-Yellow Granite . Rocks are so important, in fact, that Japanese gardeners have developed elaborate rules for the selection and placement of rocks. Generally,s are set in groups of three or in other odd numbered groupings. Stone groupings should seek a balance, between form, texture and color.
    Water. As an island nation, Japan has an historical affinity for water. In the garden, water plays an important role, both symbolically and literally. Japanese garden bridges, placid pools and even gravel and sand "oceans" remind you that water is an essential part of life and the garden.
    Plantings. As Japanese gardeners tend to enjoy their gardens all year, plantings need to have utility in more than one season. Evergreens assume an important role, but flowering and deciduous trees are also valued for their burst of spring and fall color.
    Ornaments. Stone lanterns, steppings, and sculptures play an important part in Japanese gardens, serving to draw the eye to a particular view or area. Japanese designers are careful to match the formality of a given ornament to the intention of the design. A temple garden will have a much more formal look than a residential or park-type garden.

